Quick guide
- Download the Networkify app from the App store or Google Play
- Register an account by filling in name, email, company and role
- Confirm that you own the specified email address by clicking on an email you received from us after step 2
- Start networking!
How do I log in?
If you don't have an account: See "How do I get an account" below.
If you already have an account: You log in by entering your email address and password and press Log in.
How do I get an account?
- Open Networkify and click "Register here".
- Fill in your email address, name, company and role. Save by clicking "Register".
- Accept the terms of use
- Open your email app on your phone (or your email program on your computer). You should have received a message from Networkify. In some cases, it can take up to a couple of minutes, and it can also end up in your spam instead of your inbox.
- Click the link in the message.
- Your account is now activated and you should be sent back to Networkify automatically.
- Click on "I have activated my account".
How do I activate my account?
To be able to see which other participants are at your event, you must activate your account by confirming that you own the email address you registered.
If you have received such an email, please follow these instructions.
- Open your email app on your phone (or your email program on your computer). You should have received a message from Networkify. In some cases, it can take up to a couple of minutes, and it can also end up in your spam instead of your inbox.
- Click the link in the message.
- Your account is now activated and you should be sent back to Networkify automatically.
- Click on "I have activated my account".
If you have not received an email from Networkify, please follow these instructions:
- Open Networkify and log in.
- Go to your settings and click on "Send verification email again".
- Open your email app on your phone (or your email program on your computer). You should have received a message from Networkify. In some cases it may take up to a few minutes, and it may also end up in your spam instead of your inbox.
- Click the link in the message.
- Your account is now activated and you should be sent back to Networkify automatically.
- Click on "I have activated my account".
Who can see my contact information?
No one can see your contact information. Anyone who has a verified account and has registered that they are going to your event and ticked that they themselves accept contact requests can see the name, company and role of other participants. No contact details are shared, you do that yourself to those you want.
How do I get the participant list?
Activate your account and go to the event details view in the app. Then click on the icon with two people on it. Here you can list and search all participants who have obtained a Networkify account.
Please note that you must tick that you accept contact requests in order to see the participant list.
How do I contact a participant?
Click on a person in the participant list. Write a message and choose which contact details you want to attach. Click on "Send".
Please note that you must tick that you accept contact requests in order to see the participant list.
How do I share my information?
See "How do I contact a participant?" above.
Where do my messages that I send end up?
At the top left of the app is a menu icon. Click on it and then Inbox to see which messages you have sent or received.
Where do I see which messages I received from participants?
See "Where do my messages that I send end up?" above.
What is the third icon at the bottom of the information view?
Here you will receive updates directly from the event.
Can I change my email address or other information?
You can change all your details. Please note that if you change your email address, you will need to go through the steps to verify your account again. See "How do I activate my account?" above.
What do all the settings mean?
- Name: your name
- Email address: your email address
- Phone number: your phone number
- Company: the company you work for/represent
- Role: the role you have at your company
- Allow contact requests: if you tick this box, you will have the option to both receive and send contact requests to other participants
- Push from private messages: choose whether or not you want to receive a push notification when you receive private messages
- Push from the event: choose whether you want push notifications from the event
Is Networkify only available for iPhone?
No, Networkify is available for Android and also a web version on web.networkify.se.
How do I turn on push notifications?
Normally, you should receive push notifications without having to do anything special. To choose which notifications you want, go to Settings in the app. Make sure the two checkboxes for push are ticked at the bottom. See below for what you need to do on each phone if you're still not getting any notifications.
iPhone: You first need to check that you have push notifications turned on for the app from iOS. You do that System settings. Then scroll down, click on Notifications, scroll down and click on Networkify and check that all the buttons are green.
Android: Go to System Preferences, scroll to Apps (or programs), scroll to and click Networkify, and make sure the Show Notifications checkbox is ticked. If the box isn't there, chances are you're using an older version of Android that doesn't have this setting, and you should always get push notifications.
How do I update information while in the app?
All information in the app is not updated in exact real time, sometimes it can take up to a minute before any notifications arrive. As for the participant list, there is no notification at all when new participants join.
You can refresh the current screen view you are on by dragging down and releasing. Then an icon will show that the information is being updated, and you will get the very latest information.
How do I get updates to the app?
Updates are sent out to Google play and the App store when new functions are developed, or when possible problems are found. It is not certain that you will receive a notification about this, it depends on how you set up to receive other app updates on your phone. But with normal settings you should get a notification or updated icon from Google play or App store. If you don't get such a notice but know there is an update, you can always manually go into Google play or the App store and update the app.
If you use the web version, you only need to keep your browser up to date.
Who is behind Networkify?
The Karlstad-based IT company Bedriva Sverige AB has taken from the app Networkify. Bedriva Sverige AB publishes the app.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at networkify@bedriva.se. If you have questions regarding your event, you need to contact them via their contact details.