What is the difference between a native, web and hybrid app?

At Bedriva, since the beginning of 2014 we have ourselves developed, or helped to develop, a number of both complete smartphone apps and app prototypes. We started with only our web skills, but were able to get up and running with the first functional app incredibly quickly - which also looked really nice! What is it due to?

It's not because we're smarter than app developers, but rather what skills we use in development. Bedriva has many years of web experience, but when we started app development we had no such experience at all - yet we got up and running quickly. This is because we mainly develop so-called hybrid apps. This allows us to use and continue to develop our web skills while building apps! How awesome isn't that?

Three choices

When developing a smartphone app, you currently have three choices regarding approach. These are:

  1. Native
  2. Web
  3. Hybrid

1. Native

A native app is an app that is developed separately for each platform, e.g. iOS, Android or Windows/Windows Phone. This type of app is usually (but does not have to) be built solely with the respective platform's own tools and components. This means that it e.g. in graphics-heavy apps like games perform better than subsequent examples.

You can also use all the different functions available on your smartphone, such as camera or GPS.

An app needs to be developed for each platform, and needs to go through the respective platform's review process. With each update, you need to wait for the review process, which usually takes around 7 days.

Benefits: Can handle graphically heavy applications (if the hardware can handle it), can access all the functions of the phone
Disadvantages: Must be developed separately for all platforms, takes a long time to update

2. Web

A web app is exactly what it sounds like – an app that runs like a website in your browser. To the average user, this might not sound like an app in its proper name, but if it can run on a smartphone and has a more specific purpose than a regular web page, then it should be considered an app. This is built with optional tools and components and then published as a regular website. The performance can be so good that you don't notice any difference until you start with advanced 3D graphics, such as the one found in modern games.

You can't access all the functions of your smartphone, but the web is constantly evolving and in modern browsers today you can access both the camera and GPS - you can even send push notifications, use it offline or get an icon on the desktop.

The app can be used on almost all mobile platforms and even computers, and does not require a review process. You can also continuously update it without having to review it again.

Benefits: A common codebase (reduces risk of bugs, longer development and maintenance cost), can be updated in a second across all platforms
Disadvantages: Not suitable for advanced games or when you want the exclusive feel of an app

1+2 = 3. Hybrid

Here comes the most exciting option – a combination of native and web. The app is built like a website that resides on your phone, but runs in a browser built in an app shell. Performance is similar to web (because it's web in an app shell).

What's so cool about hybrid apps is that it's not just the shell that's "native". There is a plethora of different plugins that you install in the project, and suddenly you have access to Bluetooth, camera and push notifications - via web standards.

With the push of a button, you can get an app out to a number of different platforms, but you need to go through each platform's review process just like with a native app. Bedriva also uses an established framework that makes the app look like a native app, regardless of which platform you use.

Benefits: A common code base (reduces risk of bugs, lower development and maintenance cost), can use native functions, web standards, you can also get a web app "automagically"
Disadvantages: Not suitable for advanced games, but simple platform games work without problems.

So how do you choose?

It's not always easy, but since you can do so much with hybrid apps today, our recommendation is rarely to run native. However, it's important to be aware of the consequences of each choice, so feel free to use the following guide to decide:

  • Is your app graphics-heavy (lots of 3D animations like in games – lots of images are no obstacle) or needs to use advanced smartphone features? Native
  • Will you just present very simple information? Web
  • In other cases: Hybrid

Important to remember is that there are no restrictions at all in terms of appearance, regardless of which approach you choose. You can also use all variants offline. Bedriva currently develops web and hybrid apps, and simple native apps for Android. Contact Us please if you have any questions or are interested in how you can develop your app!

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